Using Animal Repellents: A Practical Guide

When living with certain animals becomes problematic, using a repellent can be an effective solution. Whether it's a kitten scratching an expensive sofa or dealing with situations like pigeons, repellents can help.

Pigeon Repellent: How to Use It

Pigeons can cause significant damage to homes and pose health risks. Their guano is highly corrosive, damaging cornices and terraces, and can carry diseases. To keep pigeons away from balconies, you can use mechanical solutions such as physical barriers, acoustic deterrents, or scarecrows. Additionally, natural repellents emit odours that pigeons find unpleasant. These can be applied to windowsills, balconies, terraces, gutters, and attics. Since it's a natural product, it must be reapplied regularly, especially in rainy weather and during the first few weeks when there are many pigeons.


Dog and Cat Repellents

Repellents for dogs can prevent unwanted behaviours such as puppies urinating in certain places. For instance, if a puppy pees on carpets or rugs, a repellent with natural odours can discourage this behaviour. This is also useful when dogs mark their territory, especially when two dominant dogs are together. You could try out our GET OFF Indoor Wash Off Cleaner Neutraliser 500ml +50% extra free.

Cat owners may need a repellent to protect furniture, like leather sofas, from being scratched by kittens. Cats can also recognize the smells of other animals, so using a repellent can help when introducing a new kitten to areas previously used by another pet. Depending on where you need to intervene, repellents are available in spray or gel form. Sprays are ideal for sofas, carpets, rugs, plants, and indoor spaces. Gel-based repellents are water-resistant and suitable for gardens, terraces, garages, and cellars. Try out our GET OFF Cat & Dog Repellent Granules 970ml to help protect your garden!

By using these repellents, you can effectively manage and prevent problems caused by various animals, ensuring a harmonious living environment for everyone involved.